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Friday, May 10, 2013

MDM Condemned as HERETICAL by Slovakian Conference of Bishops

The Slovakian Conference of Bishops have issued a letter warning the faithful to stay away from the false messages put out by supposedly Irish seer Maria Divine Mercy and through her organization's website "The Warning Second Coming." Below is the text of the letter in English translated on an online translator. Although this translation isn't perfect, it is easy to see that the bishops are warning the faithful to stay away from the MDM messages completely. HERE is the original, untranslated letter.


Bishop Sečka to spread the alleged Greater warning of Jesus Christ
P: 3, 21 11th 2012 12:44, DOM

Spis Chapter 21 November (ZENIT) - Spis Bishop Mons. Stephen Sečka issued on the basis of reports of priests and believers phone calls from the Internet
to disseminate data big warning of Jesus Christ. On this occasion, issued an opinion that we bring in full. 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

I learned that in some parishes is very spread messages about the so-called Great Day of God's warnings, resulting from the alleged private revelations of an Irish visionaries. These messages are distributed via the internet. I have found that it is a heretical teachings, which is not in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church and is showing signs of sectarianism. This whole doctrine is indeed poprepletaná prayers for God's mercy and calls for confession, as well as the Catholic Church teaches, but quotations from Scripture are commented and explained arbitrary and contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Similar tendencies were already in the early Church, therefore St.. Apostle Peter wrote: "Above all, you should know that no prophecy of Scripture does not allow private interpretation" (2 Peter 1: 20). 

After seeing this website I also found that believers are encouraged to have already bought so. "Seal of the living God" to be sanctified by a priest. I note that no priest faithful to Christ and his Church must cooperate in this matter, it would be guilty of transgressions against the faith and his office. For anyone who will disseminate these messages are delusional enough to apply strictly the words of Scripture, written by St. Apostle Paul to the Galatians: 

"I marvel that from him that called you into the grace of Christ are under way quickly to another gospel. Ono nor other, unless there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But if we have preached unto you we, or an angel from heaven any other gospel than we have preached unto you, let him be accursed! As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed! I can now lean people or God? Or trying to please men? If I yet pleased men, I would not be Christ's servant. "(Gal 1, 6-9). 

All believers, who perhaps out of ignorance began to believe the messages mentioned, and please urge them to leave these heretical teachings and not spread them. 

On this matter, I was obliged, in order to highlight the purity of Catholic faith, obedience and unity with the Holy Father, and for the sake of salvation of your souls. 

dedicated to Lord V + Sečka Stephen, Bishop of Spis 

ZENIT Opinion expressed by Peter Majda


Biskup Sečka k šíreniu údajného Veľkého varovania Ježiša Krista
P:3, 21. 11. 2012 12:44, DOM

Spisšká Kapitula 21. novembra (TK KBS) - Spišská biskup Mons. Štefan Sečka vydal na základe hlásenia kňazov a telefonátov od veriacich, že internetom sa šíri údajné Veľké varovanie Ježiša Krista. Pri tejto príležitosti vydal stanovisko, ktoré prinášame v plnom znení.

Drahí bratia a sestry!

Dozvedel som sa, že v niektorých farnostiach sa veľmi rozšírili posolstvá o takzvanom dni Božieho Veľkého varovania, ktoré vyplývajú z údajných súkromných zjavení nejakej írskej vizionárky. Tieto posolstvá sa rozširujú prostredníctvom internetu. Zistil som, že ide o bludnú náuku, ktorá nie je v súlade s učením Katolíckej cirkvi a vykazuje známky sektárstva. Celá táto náuka je síce poprepletaná modlitbami k Božiemu milosrdenstvu a výzvami k svätej spovedi tak, ako to učí aj Katolícka cirkev, avšak citáty zo Svätého písma sú komentované a vysvetľované svojvoľne a v rozpore s učením Katolíckej cirkvi. Podobné tendencie boli už v prvotnej Cirkvi, preto sv. Peter apoštol napísal: „Predovšetkým však vedzte, že nijaké proroctvo v Písme nepripúšťa súkromný výklad“ (2Pt 1, 20).

Po zhliadnutí tejto internetovej stránky som tiež zistil, že veriaci sú nabádaní, aby si zaobstarali tzv. „pečať živého Boha“, ktorá má byť posvätená kňazom. Pripomínam, že žiaden kňaz verný Kristovi a jeho Cirkvi nesmie v tejto veci spolupracovať, lebo by sa dopustil prehrešenia voči viere a svojmu úradu. Na kohokoľvek, kto bude šíriť tieto bludné posolstvá sa vzťahujú dosť prísne slová Svätého písma, ktoré napísal sv. apoštol Pavol Galaťanom:

„Čudujem sa, že od toho, ktorý vás povolal v Kristovej milosti, tak rýchlo prebiehate k inému evanjeliu. Ono ani nie je iné, ibaže sú niektorí, čo vás mätú a chcú prekrútiť Kristovo evanjelium. Ale keby sme vám hlásali my alebo aj anjel z neba iné evanjelium, ako sme vám hlásali, nech je prekliaty! Ako sme už povedali, aj teraz znova hovorím: Ak by vám niekto hlásal iné evanjelium ako to, ktoré ste prijali, nech je prekliaty! Chcem si teraz nakloniť ľudí alebo Boha? Alebo sa usilujem páčiť sa ľuďom? Keby som sa ešte chcel páčiť ľuďom, nebol by som Kristovým služobníkom.“ (Gal 1, 6-9).

Všetkých veriacich, ktorí možno z nevedomosti začali veriť uvedeným posolstvám, prosím a dôrazne žiadam, aby opustili tieto bludné náuky a nešírili ich.

Na túto záležitosť som bol povinný upozorniť v záujme čistoty katolíckej viery, poslušnosti a jednoty so Svätým Otcom, ako aj v záujme spásy vašich duší.

V Pánu oddaný + Štefan Sečka, spišský biskup

TK KBS stanovisko poskytol Peter Majda



  1. Thank you for posting the translation. Every bishop should be alerting their priests worldwide not to cooperate with the directions coming from the Warning Second Coming website. Have you noticed,this site is preparing to launch a publicity campaign across the U.S. next month and are requesting volunteers to conduct the meetings? Do not allow them into any church halls to spread this dangerous propaganda. All those bishops should have letters of warning read from their pulpits to discourage any parishioners who may be attracted. While they are at it, a good catechesis would be in order. The promises attached to the seal certificates are bizarre.

  2. How blind can you be.look around you ? do you see the Church going in the right direction what about the calamities that are now happening all over the world.?and let me also tell you that if God had not interfered .We would possible not be here already .It is through our sufferings ans sacrifices that our lord has been mitigating the punishment to the world.Yes us the messengers who suffer so that you may have eternal life.The curses that the bishop has placed upon MDM and the rest of us will not fall upon us because God has placed His Holy Angels to safe guard us but I am afraid for the bishop who in his stupidity is listening to Satan and not Jesus.He is fully aware that the books of st.John are true but yet he resists God's messages of love and hope for humanity .I feel sorry for him for not only is he going to fall into hell but is taking God's children with Him.Be aware of the deceiver .This bishop is serving Satan and not God .Be very aware for it is you immortal soul that it is a steak here.

    1. Clarification: The bishops did not "put a curse" on MDM, they CONDEMNED the messages meaning they deemed them dangerous to the soul and against the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

      So, in your opinion the Bishop of Spis is stupid and listening to Satan, not Jesus, and you have have decided he's going to hell and taking the entire Catholic flock of faithful from Slovakia and the world with him.

      Rosa, these messages have such a Satanic hold on you that it is YOU who are being blinded! Look around you! Pope Francis is a humble Pope dedicated to our Holy Mother and the Eucharist! Did you see that he even surprised 40,000 pro-lifers in Italy yesterday by joining with them in their March for Life? This is the work of Jesus!

      I truly believe it is your soul and the souls of MDM followers that are at stake here, not those who are staying loyal to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Holy Roman Catholic church about which Jesus said, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it!"

      Read about how I caught the MDM people making a fake message to cover up the Slovakian Bishops' decision, and then trying to hide this information from you:

      I care about your soul, Rosa, and I love Jesus who thirsts for souls and am helping Him rescue them in my own little way. May God bless you.

    2. "Message to MDM followers: On late May 9th on the "Jesus to Mankind" Facebook page I posted an article presenting the full text, in English and Slovakian, of the Slovakian Conference of Bishops letter CONDEMNING the MDM messages. The Bishop even called the messages heretical. The MDM leaders reacted by DELETING my post entirely and blocking me from ever posting again on their page. They did this so that YOU, their follower, CANNOT READ THE NEGATIVE OPINION OF MDM FROM THE SLOVAKIAN BISHOPS.
      On that same day I also posted the Bishops' letter on this blog and it was also posted on the "Maria Divine Mercy-True or False?" Facebook page.

      Amazingly enough, two days later on May 12 another "message from jesus" was published by MDM dated May 10. "Jesus" says, "Those who have not been given My Holy Word,INCLUDING THOSE COUNTRIES WHERE I AM CONDEMNED, are the first souls I must reach out to."

      Do you think this is just a coincidence? This is not all.

      This is proof these messages are fake because the Slovakian Bishops' Conference letter condemning the messages from MDM was published by the bishops SIX MONTHS AGO on November 12, 2012! Why didn't Jesus mention it back then? Why did he suddenly and "coincidentally" mention it two days after this blog and the Facebook Page "Maria Divine Mercy - True or False?" posted the letter for all to see?

      Please ask yourself why they would hide this information from you and what they are really up to. I pray for you in my daily rosaries. May God bless you!"

      Link to source:

      Why MDM is false:

    3. Hi Rosa,

      You posted.."How blind can you be.look around you ? do you see the Church going in the right direction what about the calamities that are now happening all over the world.?

      The world was heading in this direction under HH Benedict too. Nothing's changed. So what gives you the right to proclaim a good Pope to be a false Prophet? An anonymous seer who hides herself and won't allow the Church to examine her..Yes the Church that Christ founded, not Peter, as your messages wrongly told you. Christ built His Church on Peter, the "Rock" but Peter didn't found it. Wouldn't you suppose that your 'Jesus' would have gotten this part right?

      You posted..."and let me also tell you that if God had not interfered .We would possible not be here already .It is through our sufferings ans sacrifices that our lord has been mitigating the punishment to the world."

      If you are in schism, cut off from the Church, then you are not receiving graces from that Church. So unless you come back to your senses and leave that cult you will no longer be in Christ's true Church, but a false church, complete with your false priests and the Little Pebble for your Pope...that is if he is out of prison yet!

      You posted...."Yes us the messengers who suffer so that you may have eternal life. The curses that the bishop has placed upon MDM and the rest of us will not fall upon us because God has placed His Holy Angels to safe guard us but I am afraid for the bishop who in his stupidity is listening to Satan and not Jesus."

      We are in God's Church. The "Household of God" We, the faithful are praying that you will see the truth of the deception you are involved in before it's too late. The Entity who dictates those false messages, is Satan himself. His agenda to lead you all away from the truth and he's managed to mislead many souls with his copy cat writings, myself included one time, but I thank the good Lord because I asked Him not to let me be deceived. My prayer was answered when the Pope was elected.

      You posted....."I feel sorry for him for not only is he going to fall into hell but is taking God's children with Him. Be aware of the deceiver .This bishop is serving Satan and not God .Be very aware for it is you immortal soul that it is a steak here."

      It is Satan working through MDM that is leading people into dangerous waters Rosa and very soon all the bishops will be condemning your cult...are they all going to be wrong? You are fighting God's Church for a faceless woman who has admitted to not knowing the faith before she started receiving the messages. If you don't know your faith then start learning it...and begin with the Church that Christ founded. I pray the Holy Spirit will enlighten you.

      God Bless


    4. My goodness Janet...well said... I have been meaning to write the exact explanation and never got down to doing it. I have a friend who loves the Lord and believes in this website with this anonymous seer, hiding away somewhere and not having a holy spiritual Catholic priest guiding her. How can she hide away if she truly is being visited by our Lord. She should be fearless. How can she judge our Pope and say he is evil. Father God did not abandon us and the Holy Spirit will always lead the Catholic church and give us holy leaders. Yes of course our priests need prayers and yes I am a sinner and yes I do love the Lord. Also when I believed in the apparitions of Medjugorje i never forced anyone else to believe in these aparations. I just prayed for the world to believe in God and not Medjugorje, I prayed for my family and myself. Stop judging our priest, bishops and our Pope and instead pray for them as the devil is using his full force against them and this offends God. Let us try to live a holy life and be an example to the people around us. Dear Jesus I pray for discernment so we may love you and know the truth. Praise you Father God.

    5. Dear Rosa, You did a good job, however, you cannot condemn the bishop to hell. God, through your love and prayer can convert the bishop and make him a saint. There is your direction. Join Christ on the cross and see with his eyes. Love with Calvary Love. Have Calvary compassion and pity for man's weaknesses. Gary Kirsch

  3. May God forgive all of you here who feel entitled to judge. I wonder how any of you who feel as though you can judge, and are dependent on the Magesterium feel about the hatchet job they have done on Father Gruner, by covering up the true Third Secret of Fatima. Yes, you are right, Cardinal Sodano and Bertone are advising Pope Francis. Pray for him. Time will tell whether your disparagement of messages from Jesus are true.

    1. You said "disparagement of messages".

      The Bishops have the ecclesiastical authority given to them by Jesus to judge the veracity of private revelations. While they are not entitled to judge a person's individual moral state, they ARE entitled, even obligated, to judge the messages a person claims they are receiving from "jesus" and report whether or not they are valid. Since they have been given the authority by Jesus to do so, we are obligated to obey their findings.

      You are setting Maria Divine Mercy (the Irish high flying agnostic businesswoman turned "seer") above the Holy Roman Catholic Church established by Jesus Himself.

    2. The judgment of which I speak is yours. I wouldn't expect the Bishop(s) to approve of messages calling them to task. May God have mercy on all of us. I would appreciate your reading the article I sent you and hearing your comment on the deception perpetrated on all of the world by Sodano and Bertone.

    3. I have already been through a long journey of reading information regarding Fatima, the Consecration of Russia, Father Gruner, etc.

      Is Father Gruner still a priest of the Holy Roman Catholic Church? His long history of disobedience has left that in question. I will trust the Bishops on this issue. They were placed in authority by Jesus.

      If by "judgement" you mean reading about church Canon Law and obeying the catechism of the church, then I guess I'm guilty. Those are my authorities, and the MDM messages have gone against numerous church teachings.

      Read what Karl Keating founder of Catholic Answers says about Maria Divine Mercy. In this article you will also read the opinions of other prominent theologians as well as contradictions in the MDM messages themselves:

    4. Hi Anonymous,

      If you are on the same side as Fr Gruner you should know that he has spoken in an interview concerning Pope Francis. It seems he not only has received letters from him but he feels that this Pope will consecrate Russia to Our Lady's Heart. Now as you know MDM says the Pope is the False how can this be if he is going to do what heaven has been asking for?

      God Bless


    5. If there is any doubt that the mdm cult should be CONDEMNED, all you have to do is read the homily by Pope Francis on May 4th and then read the mdm 'entity' message that SAME DAY. ( – In his May 4 homily, Pope Francis stressed that Christians must follow Jesus and not listen to the deceptive “dialogue” of “the prince of this world,” the Devil, adding, “There can be no dialogue with the prince of this world: let this be clear!”

      Now read that message again that mdm put out on May 4th... (SAME DAY) The devil appears to be mocking the Pope !!!!

      'My dearly beloved daughter, as My Word reaches many ears, I come to warn those amongst you who will not listen to Me. What do you fear? Is it My Word or the changes which you will have to witness as the purification continues? Don’t you know that I do not bring you new Teachings, for this is not necessary? I only communicate with you to remind you of the Truth.

      So many of you believe you know so much about Me, but you have learned nothing. Who are you to say you are better than others in the Eyes of God, when it comes to interpreting My Holy Word? Who are you to believe that you have the authority to blaspheme against Me, and then say that you love Me? You will not be able to stop Me through the prophets, in reaching out to God’s
      children. You must ask why it is that you hate My Voice? How can you love Me when you tear My Words apart, when all I Am doing is to help you prepare for My Great Day?

      Man is very weak. Even those devout souls are weak, though their love for Me is strong. Let no man believe that he can ever walk before Me without the shame of sin on his soul. Not one amongst you is worthy to stand before Me, yet I grant you the Mercy of My Love. It is not that you are deserving of this, it is simply because I chose to grant you this Gift.

      To those of you who claim to speak with great knowledge of Me and then spit with a cursed tongue against My prophet – know this. Your faith will not save
      you when you curse the Word of God. Your self-proclaimed love of God is meaningless when you judge one of His children before Him. You are cutting the umbilical cord, which binds you to My Father, when you show disrespect, anger and hatred towards Me. When you spit at Me, you will become blind and will never see again. When you utter words of hatred, your tongue will be cut out. When you stand up and declare to all your self-proclaimed knowledge of God, you will fall with your legs cut from under you. When you deem My prophet to be evil, you will have no life.

      My Word will never die; it will live for eternity. It will trample on those sinners who try to defy the Mercy of God, through these Messages. Reject Me this time and you reject the freedom I bring when I come to gather you, finally, into My Kingdom. You don’t have much time to redeem yourselves in My Eyes before the Great Day. Don’t waste it through the sin of pride. It was the sin of pride which caused Lucifer to fall and to be cut off and thrown into the abyss. All those who follow him, through the sin of pride – the sin which causes so much separation from God – will fall and never rise in the Presence of God.'

      "Who are you to say you are better than others in the Eyes of God, when it comes to interpreting My Holy Word?"

      "You will not be able to stop Me through the prophets, in reaching out to God’s children."

      "Man is very weak. Even those devout souls are weak, though their love for Me is strong."

      "My Word will never die; it will live for eternity. It will trample on those sinners who try to defy the Mercy of God, through these Messages. Reject Me this time and you reject the freedom I bring when I come to gather you, finally, into My Kingdom."

      Do you see the blatent mockery here of the authority of the Pope? !!!

      The mdm messages are clearly DEMONIC - ROTTEN SMOKE OF SATAN !!!

    6. Anonymous of 5:14 p.m., not only is it mockery of the Pope's words, it is downright anger! As the message goes on the angrier and shriller it gets! Satan has a huge ego and does NOT like his pride being threatened especially by the likes of a gentle, humble pope such as our Pope Francis. The anger level means the Pope is gaining souls and MDM is losing them. Praise Jesus!

      Viva il Papa!

    7. I am Amazed by all your comments. I see a fence & each side each of you have your OPINIONS. Let not one of you forget that Jesus told the crowd when everyone was accusing Mary Magdelen- He who is without sin cast the first stone. Never Never stand in judgement of another soul lest you be held accountable. When did it become that only Bishops or Cardinals or Priests have the only pathway to what Christ intended the church to be or private revelation? I support all the hierarchy of our Holy Church but I also believe that Christ has every right to speak to the hearts of men. Who are you to say that He didn't? Because your interpretation of the Holy Word is the only true Gospel? Many Saints over the years have had revelations that were not accepted for many years. Look what was done to Joan of Arc- years later her mission becomes OK. You hipocrates. How would it be that possibly MDM is right? Do you realy want to continue to stand in judgement. Eternity is forever. Make pure your own cloaks before you feel the need to soil anothers. God judges the soul not you. If souls come back to the church- go to confession- pay homage to all sacrements & deter from sin as a result of this website how could that be bad? If they truely work to unite their hearts to Christ, who are you to throw stones. Beware of your judgements because God will hold you all accountable on Judgement day. My heart is sad at the behavior of Gods Children. Whatever happened to Love thy neighbor. Reflect on your own souls before you call another a heretic because I'm sure you yourselves have a heresy or 2 in your own closets. My prayers are with you all May God watch over yours souls & keep you from sin.

    8. It is precisely BECAUSE I love my neighbor that I warn against these messages.

  4. @ Rosa Lopes May 13, 2013 at 1:05 AM:

    OK...So, let me get this; 2000 years ago:

    Jesus on the Cross of Redemption says about those who mocked Him, spit at Him, tortured Him, scourged Him, blasphemed against Him, nailed Him on the Cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"...

    Jesus called Judas His friend at the very moment of His betrayal: "Friend, do what you are here to do".

    Jesus put His flock on Peter’s hands after he had denied Him 3 times and had run away for fear of being associated with Him

    Jesus is the One that "bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed".

    Jesus healed the lepers (you know, those that were believed to have been cursed due to their sins), He dined with tax collectors and other "well known" sinners; he even allowed prostitutes to touch Him and be near Him because He knew He would save their souls by doing so...

    And then in 2013, through MDM, "jesus" says:

    "To those of you who claim to speak with great knowledge of Me and then spit with a cursed tongue against My prophet – know this. Your faith will not save
    you when you curse the Word of God. Your self-proclaimed love of God is meaningless when you judge one of His children before Him. You are cutting the umbilical cord, which binds you to My Father, when you show disrespect, anger and hatred towards Me. When you spit at Me, you will become blind and will never see again. When you utter words of hatred, your tongue will be cut out. When you stand up and declare to all your self-proclaimed knowledge of God, you will fall with your legs cut from under you. When you deem My prophet to be evil, you will have no life."

    I’m sorry, but I do think we are talking about two different "Jesus" here. Or does it sound like the same person to anybody?

    "he" also says: "you don’t have much time to redeem yourselves in My Eyes before the Great Day."... I thought we couldn't redeem ourselves and that’s why Jesus was our Redeemer.

    And then, mdm followers get to say who’s going to "fall into hell", etc, etc... I thought that was something only known to God, you know, the Only One that can actually see our souls!!....

    So, it's getting more and more obvious to me who’s the one that’s blinded to the truth... God bless us all!!

    1. Lovey, Monica, Janet, PocketSketch and several Anons:

      Your kindness and clarity are deeply appreciated. As a fairly new "anti-MDMer", I'd like to offer my opinion.

      When you cross a follower of MDM by disagreeing, they tend to follow a pattern.

      First, MDM's followers stress our need for prayer and discernment. As if the messages were read once, then dismissed. I have to read them multiple times before I'm aware of the untrue and heretical parts. Of course prayer and (for me at least) research is a necessity when dealing with such messages. They are not approved, nor will they ever be.

      Second, the MDM followers just can't or won't answer most questions, as they aren't supposed to "defend the Lord's words". Quite a clever ploy. The questioner is left to interpret-or ignore- the confusing/wrong/heretical statements with no help, other than that offered at times by some of the kinder followers. And the follower never has to think much about what's really being taught by the false "Jesus" entity.

      Third, some of the misled and frustrated followers become irritated with anyone who is persistent is pointing out the glaring lies and heretical statements made by false "Jesus". As a result, they start dropping the B bomb. "Blasphemy" is usually the first sin we're accused of committing. Some seem to truly believe we're blaspheming not only the demon they think is the Lord, but also think we can blaspheme MDM herself. False idols, anyone?

      Fourth, when the Admin Team decides we're getting too persistent, too factual, too true...we're blocked. All of our comments are deleted-the friendly ones, even the heart-felt prayers for one of their family or friends. Big Brother pushes the button and it's as if we never even existed. MDM's followers console each other and continue to encourage their fellow cultists. And occasionally one must be corrected or reminded to say Crusade Pray # such and such.

      This is a spiritual battle. God bless and strengthen each of us. His mercy endures forever.

    2. There is such a strong contrast between the Jesus of the Gospel and the "jesus" of MDM. The MDM jesus curses anyone who won't believe the fake MDM messages, but the Jesus of the Gospel LOVES anybody who curses Him!

      Anonymous of May 13 at 10:26, Thank you for laying out the pattern. This truly IS a spiritual battle; demonic spirits are at play.

      Pray, love, and trust in Jesus!

    3. If only all of you could see all of the postings here that are edited and/or not allowed to be posted under the vague heading of "not related to topic" You are right about one thing. It is a battle, and all I can say to you is what if you are wrong about MDM? Will you be prepared? I bid you adieu, and will continue to pray for you, sincerely. You are wrong. If only you had eyes to see and ears to hear. Father forgive them.

    4. Anonymous of May 14th at 5:43 a.m., you are referring to the posting where you called me a "minion" with followers. I didn't allow that post because it had no productive use here. If you could actually refute the point by point Catholic theological arguments against the MDM messages there could be a discussion, but you can't. As with all the MDM followers so far, you resort to insults and a general, vague comment that we are heading to our destruction by not following the messages.

      You are also referring to an article in a magazine with a questionable reputation (regarding good Catholic teaching) that I refused to discuss. The only way you have of "proving" the MDM messages true is to trash the church and blame the Freemasons.

      This is the church that Jesus Himself established starting with His apostle Peter. I will stay on the side of Jesus and not entertain slanderous gossip...a tool of the devil.

  5. The survivors of cults tell us that they thought they had "tested the spirits." the fruits had seemed good, prayer was urged, as was good works; yet in the end they knew they had been lied to. It took lots of prayers offered up from worried loved ones in order for those followers to break away from these cults. Satan, as we know is very crafty and gives us 90% truth and sneaks in his 10% untruth, and hardly anyone notices because they reason..."if it's false how come we are asked to pray?" So the 10% untruth is taken as 'truth' by the followers.

    The real identity of the author of MDM's writings is Satan. His agenda - to cause a schism - to take the faithful away from the Church. His lies are the same ones he whispered to the First Protesters..."The Catholic Church is corrupt." The Pope is the "Beast" All the same lies that Luther and others believed, and through them those lies were spread throughout the world. Now Satan is really aiming high. All those faithful loyal Catholics, who pray the Rosary, observe Divine Mercy devotions etc. These are his target now. And I've no doubt that 'Maria' is being deceived too. She admitted to not knowing her faith before the entity appeared to her, so it was easy for her to be convinced that it was 'God' who was communicating those words. We all know that angels of darkness can transform themselves into angels of light.

    The followers, I was one myself, are enticed by the almost daily messages explaining that massive events are underway. The entity offers all who follow him protection throughout these difficult times. Now that was so good to hear! We are going to be healed of any illnesses, and our families too. All these promises - now he has us hooked. We took the bait..all he has to do now is haul us in. The prophecy concerning the next Pope being the False Prophet was a bit much...but hey doesn't the bible say this? And just as the Protesters did under Luther, and still do, they took out their Bibles and saw what they wanted to see.

    Once you are out of the cult you can look back and see all the errors that God just wouldn't make. For an example. The entity stated...."...My Church Peter founded..." Peter didn't found the Church! Christ founded the Church and built it on the "Rock" Peter. There is a massive difference, yet their jesus doesn't know this! I could quote many many such errors.

    Their jesus teaches them to hate the Pope...even though we know from Scripture that Jesus never spoke against Judas, the betrayer. He never ever caused others to hate...they were to love their enemies. So has the Pope done anything wrong? No! The followers admit they are just waiting for that to happen! So according to them he is guilty, while still innocent! I doesn't make sense to me either! Some have prayed for his death, called him vile names and deliberately blackened his name.

    The followers say they are the remnant Church. They don't realise that it is they themselves that will cause the schism mentioned in scripture. No they are not the remnant Church.... the remnant Church will be holding on to the Chair of Peter as scripture and the Church Fathers clearly tell us we must do. I wonder, do the followers have any idea what excommunication will mean for them?

    According to the Code of Canon Law:
    [S]chism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him [CIC 751].

    This would have grave consequences for an individual, both spiritually and canonically, including possible automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication, since:

    [A] schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication [CIC 1364 §1].

    Which includes, among other things the inability to receive the sacraments until one repents of the schism and is restored to communion with the Church.


  6. From a respected Catholic Theologian:

    The messages of Maria Divine Mercy (MDM), which she is reportedly receiving from heavenly sources, are plausible. I have examined all the messages, as well as all of the published evaluations and criticisms of her messages… and have not found them to establish a single error in her reported messages. And the negative evaluations posted by critics to date have been, at best, inconclusive and unconvincing.

    I have not found that her messages contradict any doctrine, or that they contain an actual error. As of today, her messages are not condemned by any official Church authority with jurisdiction to do so, though certainly they have not received Church recognition either.

    On the other hand, several of her prophecies have been fulfilled, and her messages are congruent to the other related legitimate sources of prophecy being given in these times.

    As well, the Crusade Prayers of Maria Divine Mercy are in the same status as her reported messages, as stated above, and thus, it would seem that it is permissible to pray them.

    So, in summary, the Church faithful may read and spread MDM’s reported messages and pray her prayers.

    1. The respected theologian says, "As of today her messages are not condemned by any official Church authority with jurisdiction to do so, though certainly they have not received Church recognition either."

      Although the Slovakian Bishops Conference does not have the Irish "seer" MDM in their jurisdiction, they DO Have the authority to condemn it as they have insofar as the sheep in their flock are in danger of being misled by these false messages. MDM is behaving in a cowardly way spreading messages across the entire globe through the worldwide Internet without revealing her identity; hiding behind the computer screen while her staff of 32 people put out the messages, sell books without any Bishop's imprimatur, and hold meetings across the globe to indoctrinate the unwary Catholic. The latest shameful act is their establishment of an MDM Youth Facebook page designed to entrap the innocent into this tangled web without the approval of the church. In this case, ALL bishops in ALL dioceses have the obligation to make a decision on these messages for the Catholic people they lead.

      The respected theologian says there are no theological errors in her messages, and yet other respected theologians like Dr. Karl Keating (founder of Catholic Answers) and Dr. Mark Miravalle have found numerous ones which the author above never addresses in his general, vague statement.

      He says some prophecies have happened, but never mentions the numerous ones that HAVEN'T.

      To read in detail all of these arguments, read this article:

    2. Dear Anonymous of May 14: Tell the whole truth! Kelly Bowring also says: "One of the serious issues that are raised by the reported heavenly messages of MDM is regarding her message that Pope Benedict XVI would leave the papacy (before he died) and that his successor would be the false prophet (as discussed in Revelation 13). This is a difficult message and must be considered with delicate discernment. Whether this message is true or not, we do not know.

      Even if this reported message is true, we must never take it upon ourselves to decide as such… we must wait for the Church to direct us in such matters. No matter what, we must remain faithful to the Church. We are never personally permitted to believe the Pope is not valid, unless the highest legitimate authority of the Church were to indicate that he is.


      Careful Distinction

      So, while we may meditate on and spread the messages of MDM… as practicing Catholics, we must also be cautious about (and even somewhat critical concerning) this message related to the new Pope, and in this situation we must personally declare the following:

      1. I accept the teaching of the Universal Catholic Church that the Pope when speaking on faith and morals is infallible.

      2. I accept, as legitimately elected by the recent conclave, Pope Francis (as the validly elected Pope).

      This includes “religious assent of mind and heart to the manifest mind of the pope, even when he is not speaking infallibly” (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 25), which every member of the Catholic faithful is obliged to offer Pope Francis."

      If you do not repeat his Declaration, you are in schism!

  7. I for one am thankful to find your website, by the Grace of God we go forth! I have been discerning "TWSC" for sometime, when I decided to drop it a friend inquired about it the same day, I took that as a positive sign; however, I continued to discern and remained uneasy. When I returned to the Catholic Church I met the devil myself and know of his crafty dealings. So thank all of you for sharing your hearts and souls on this matter, it binds us further into the Sacred and most Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

    1. Thank you for your testimony D.R. Daily. If you are a member of Facebook please visit the page called "Maria Divine Mercy - True or False?" I'm sure others would love to read your story and it would help Jesus and Mary save souls!

  8. Message to the frequent commenter on this article, who I am guessing is Mr. Marie-Paul, and whose numerous propaganda comments I will not publish:

    It's interesting you are trying to put out conspiracy propaganda against the church on MY blog, while at the same time blocking me from informing unwary Catholics of the heretical teachings of the MDM messages on the Jesus to Mankind Facebook Page and on the scandalous Youth Page designed to indoctrinate the young into the cult of MDM.

    The only information I will trust is information from the Holy See which Jesus Himself founded. Jesus, I trust in You!


  9. Its good to believe in God's truth but people should not have "divine messages" as their foundation beliefs but what the R.Catholic Church teaches in Catechism book. People should not feel guilty for using logic and reason. People should also not be divided and confused if present Pope is real or false. Division and confusion is not from God. Truth with some untruth is not complete truth. Pope Francis did nothing wrong & some say he's false, thats not good. As Catholics we should pray for Pope Francis, his protection and guidance. And yes people should prepare for the Warning and be in a state of grace.

    *Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    1. Good words of wisdom. We must all pray for Pope Francis daily. It seems to me that we should also not be the arbiters of whether or not these alleged messages are real or not, either individually or on blogs like this. The messages of Fatima and Garabandal each speak to evil infiltration of the Church, and specifically at Garabandal, speak clearly of the warning, which we must prepare for. I don't recall hearing about any of this in homilies I have heard around the world. It seems as though Mary and Jesus are reaching out to us any way they can reach us to break through the "veil" we are blinded by, and if our eyes and ears are being opened by the likes of MDM, then God Bless and protect her.

    2. Anonymous of May 16 at 7:41 a.m., I believe we are all obligated to pray sincerely and use our best judgement and KNOWLEDGE OF CHURCH TEACHINGS to discern whether or not we should be loyal to a private revelation or stay away from it because it is a danger to the soul. MDM messages go against numerous church teachings and should be avoided by good Catholics. Read this article that lists the anti-Catholic teachings:

      We cannot discuss Fatima and Garabandal equally. Fatima has been proven true and has been fully approved by the Church. Garabandal has NOT been proven true, and has, as a matter of fact, been given negative judgements by local bishops which people ignore.

      Jesus made it a point to inform us that there would be numerous false prophets trying to sway his sheep and warned that these fakers were convincing enough to fool even the elect, if that were possible. Why would He now need to speak through numerous questionable sources? Didn't He give us all the teachings we need for our souls to abide with Him in heaven forever? The answer is HE DID.

      If, as you say, "our eyes and ears are being opened by the likes of MDM," then we are opening ourselves to the possibility of opening our unwary souls to the influence of Satan. In my work discussing with people these messages, I heard stories of some who had physical manifestations of Satan until they broke away from this cult of MDM belief.

      Just as Peter kept his eyes focused on Jesus as he set out to walk across the water and began to sink when he forgot to keep his TRUST in Jesus, we will fall if we look for alternatives to the simple and direct path to Jesus.

    3. that your name? I am not intent on creating or perpetuating, an argument. My only sincere objective is the truth. At some point or points, we must all follow our hearts as well as the rule my opinion. I have studied Garabandal, and as you say,the jury is or may, still be out. But waiting on an official position from the church, will not it seems, happen in my lifetime, so I must prayerfully follow my heart. As to Fatima, you are right, it is "fully approved" but it appears to be rather fluid, as there are developments in real time,(current) that are somewhat disturbing with respect to just exactly what the church has approved, and what they have withheld. I had been under the impression that it was a "Fait Accompli" but now that appears not to be the case as evidenced by even Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. I'm learning in my old age to keep my eyes open. I will certainly not take it upon myself to say these messages are of Satan. That is not for me to judge. Of that I am certain. God Bless

    4. No where in these messages does it name Pope Francis as being the "False Prophet". That is merely human interpretation. The false prophet could be anyone. In and out of the Vatican. Not necessarily the Pope. Many high ranking Cardinals and Bishops hold tremendous power over the Catholic Church. The church is not infallible as has been proven throughout church history. Only God knows and will make it known to all in HIS time, not ours. None of the messages I have read has had a set date for any event to occur. HIS time, not ours. None of the messages has contradicted passages in the Bible. HIS words(the Bible), not ours. These messages are similar to messages received by other visionaries throughout the world. Past and present. Many souls are more fervent in praying now than without such messages. Satan would NEVER promote saying the Rosary AND the Divine Mercy every day, along with the other prayers solely devoted to the salvation of mankind. Satan HATES mankind and would never promote our Blessed Mother.
      Revelations such as these are meant to warn God's children of the road they are on and the dangers of losing their eternal lives. They are meant to turn us back to God and His Love for us. His Mercy. How our human frailty interprets such messages is the individuals version. Any loving parent would want to protect their children by warning them of the dangers that they face in their decisions in life. It is us, His prodigal children, that turn the other way by not excepting the TRUTH. Satan is the one who makes things appealing and pleasing to us in the here and now. A false sense of life to turn us away from the light and our Eternal Father. Like in the case of the Biblical Job, God allows the devil to tempt and even attack the mystics, to test their faith, love and devotion. This is the case with most every mystic. But we are assured by Jesus that He is always there to welcome us back into His eternal and loving arms.
      St. Thomas of Aquinas says, "When there are no more revelations, people will be without guidance" (Summa II-II. q 174 a.6).


    5. Anonymous, you said, "No where in these messages does it name Pope Francis as being the "False Prophet". That is merely human interpretation. The false prophet could be anyone. In and out of the Vatican. Not necessarily the Pope."

      And yet, here is the MDM message, verbatim, of Sunday, February 17th, 2013, "My dearly beloved daughter, the schism within the Catholic Church, as foretold, will now be witnessed, for all the world to see. The departure of My dearly beloved Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, marks the beginning of the end. I have, through you, My chosen prophet, over the last two years, tried to prepare My Church on earth for this sad event.

      The Masonic elite have grasped control over My Church and they will wield the most wicked deceit upon Catholics. The Keys of Rome are now within My Hands having been passed over to Me by My Father. I will direct all of My followers so that the Truth can be sustained and that My Holy Word remains intact.
      THE FALSE PROPHET WILL NOW TAKE OVER THE SEAT IN ROME and My Word, just as it was in My Time on earth, will be treated as heresy."

      Emphasis caps added by Lovey.

    6. Anonymous of July 1 at 1:04 a.m., here is another message in which MDM refers to Pope Francis as the "False Prophet."

      Quote from a message to MDM Thursday, April 12, 2012, "They, My daughter, are being sent to prepare God’s children to accept the next Pope, who comes after My beloved Vicar Pope Benedict. This Pope may be elected by members within the Catholic Church but he will be the False Prophet."

      The only pope who came after Pope Benedict is Pope Francis. He is a validly elected pope through the intercession of the Holy Spirit in the Conclave of Cardinals. It is schismatic behavior to refer to him as a "False Prophet."

      "You need to back away from this spurious seer - and pronto!" ~ Dr. Karl Keating, Founder of Catholic answers


    We're often asked about apparitions and locutions. We are not a center of discernment. We can best report on such. We do have our inclinations. We respect the inclinations of others. On the locution "beat" comes e-mail informing us that an archbishop in Australia -- in fact, one of the most powerful ones, Archbishop Denis J. Hart of Melbourne -- has issued the following statement about an alleged European one. It was sent to the parishes. The letter, confirmed by one of his assistants, states:


    "Maria Divine Mercy is an Irish woman who claims to be a prophetess who asserts she receives messages and visions from Jesus and Mary, especially about the end times and the end of the world. She claimed that she had predicted that Pope Benedict would be forced to resign, and that Pope Francis is an impostor.

    "We are informed that some people are circulating these alleged messages, together with holy pictures. Please inform your people that these matters do not have the approval of the Church, and their dissemination is to be discontinued, and any message or leaflets are to be disposed of. The Archbishop believes that he must give authoritative guidance in this matter.

    [signed]--Alina Tsakonas, Personal Assistant, Office of the Vicar General."

    1. As yet this supposed "condemnation" from the Australian diocese is so far an unsubstantiated rumor and should not be taken at face value. There is no official information I can find from anything Archbishop Denis J. Hart has written regarding this topic. Even if true, this letter does not condemn the seer but asks the faithful to wait for more information.

  11. Regarding Fr. Gruner
    In recent years there has been a certain lack of clarity regarding the priestly status of Fr. Gruner. According to the the Congregation for the Clergy, his priestly faculties (jurisdiction permitting celebration of the sacraments) have been suspended and his appeal of that suspension rejected by the highest Church court, the Apostolic Signature. However, I understand that he continues to publicly celebrant the sacraments, justifying it by arguments for the canonical invalidity of his suspension. What efforts he is making to settle this matter is not known.

  12. I believe this has already been referenced elsewhere on this blog. If so, I apologize, I haven't had the time to read every posting. It is my understanding that there was an attempt to suspend Father Gruner under the premise he wasn't "assigned" anywhere, and to counter what was a perceived injustice on the part of the Vatican, the Bishop of Hyderabad (India) "incardinated" him, and therefore there is no suspension. It all seemed a bit contrived, truth be told. This was all related to the controversy surrounding the Third Secret of Fatima. The facts surrounding Father Gruner and his struggle are widely known and available to anyone who cares. The matter is settled.


  13. I have been reading all the comments about MDM messages. With the election of the new Pope being the false prophet or anti-pope I got very concerned. The red flag went up. If we can't trust the Pope we're in big trouble. If the gates of hell will not prevail against the Catholic Church and the Pope
    following the laws of the Church and not changing dogmas why was he being
    judged before he even got into office. The Lord does not operate like this.
    Remember all that we need to know to save our souls has been given to the Church and is in the bible. With the Lord's words there is no confusion.
    I think we better listen to the Pope or we're in big trouble. Who is MDM spiritual director? Has her Bishop approved these messages? I inquired
    and received no names. Not a good sign. Better to be on the side of the Pope than some messenger who won't reveal who she is. Other seer's, visionaries, mystic's that the Church has approved didn't have to hide who they were.

    1. This is rather absurd. You can't have it both ways. The Catholic Church has validated various seers over the years who prophesied precisely what is happening in the church today, that our church would be attacked from within and be corrupted by evil forces. Therefore you certainly can't approve the prophecies on the one hand and then deny their fulfillment on the other. Is it any surprise that given the state of the Holy Catholic Church today, and the world's ignoring the plea's and warnings of the blessed Mother over the years, that things might start to come to a head? Our church has been on the decline ever since the travesty that was Vatican II was foisted on us. Ever since then, its been all "feel good" "social justice" goop and ecumenism which is contradictory in and of itself from the perspective of those who believe that the Catholic Church is the answer. Our priests do nothing to to warn us to be prepared for the second coming of our Lord, and they are supported from the very top. I'm sorry, but after reading every single one of the messages of MDM, I find I am reassured that Jesus and Mary still give us cause for hope. Our Pope, his Cardinals, the Bishops, and the Priests, the entire hierarchy has let us down with very few exceptions. As to official "approval" or disapproval, it won't come in our lifetime, if we have a lifetime left, and therefore, we are required to prayerfully discern for ourselves the true spirit of these messages, and they are good and true. This "contrary" opinion will likely never be seen, but it is from my heart, and our Lord knows that, as does his Mother.

    2. I find it very telling that you would call Vatican II a "travesty". Are you aware that Jesus IS the church, and He has granted it His full authority through the movement of the Holy Spirit within it. This includes gatherings such as Councils like Vatican II. For you to call it a "travesty" is to assume you know the mind of Jesus and His Holy Spirit. With your statement, you openly reject the movement of the Holy Spirit in the Church. This should scare you for your eternal soul.

      Jesus requests we trust Him. I do. Do you?

  14. Anonymous,
    The Catholic church does not "validate" seers. The most it ever does is to say a particular private revelation is "worthy of belief". But no one is obliged to believe in them. None of mdm's "prophecies" have come true. Pope Benedict was not "viciously ousted" as mdm said, he renounced his office voluntarily as he affirmed on two public occasions. He has not "fled Rome" either.
    To describe Vatican II as a "travesty" is absurd and contrary to what every pope since Vatican II has taught including Pope Benedict. Ecumenical councils are guided by the Holy Spirit, that is the promise of Jesus and it was given without an expiration date. It is you that wants to have it both ways as you would then also be attacking Pope Benedict but mdm says he was a "true pope". And you have no business in judging the entire hierarchy as the judgment of bishops belongs only to the pope. Authentic apparitions are often marked by miracles which cause the ecclesiastical authorities to approve them, mdm has no such miracles and only an anoymous seer who is in a posh Dublin hideout. Contrast that with the children of Fatima who faced even death threats but remained calm through it all. No, you are not "required" to discern anything, that is really the business of the local ordinary. No one takes that on themselves, that's why the Vatican instituted norms for it. But since these "messages" are being spread in book form (contrary to canon law) and on the internet, bishops all over the world can evaluate them theologically and give instruction to the faithful. The messages claim we are out of popes now, well that can't be as the First Vatican Council defined infallibly that St. Peter will have "perpetual successors" until the end of time. Deny that and you are no longer Catholic. Deny Pope Francis is a valid pope and you have gone into schism, as Canon 751 states.
    Steve Barzini

  15. Notice to commenters: I will not publish any comment that attempts to spread the fraudulent messages of Maria Divine Mercy. In addition, the Bishops' opinion far outweighs the opinions of any lay persons attempting to reject it with no authority and no doctrinally sound reasoning.

    Those of you who said we should "remain silent and pray for discernment" make a gross error in judgement. It is BECAUSE I and others have prayed for discernment that we realize the messages are wrong. I will not remain silent when Catholics who do not know their faith well are falling into a schismatic state with the church by openly rejecting the Pope as suggested often by MDM. This is a violation of Canon Laws 750, 751, and 752. Many have inadvertenly put themselves in a state of excommunication.

    Luckily, there is always the Sacramemt of Confession.

  16. Dear Lovey

    I did not realise that this blog was one sided. This therefore is an email for you. I am not a theologian and I am sure you know much but I am free to believe in private revelation and I believe in the MDM messages. I believe that they are from the Holy Trinity and our Blessed Mother. I have prayed the entire Holy Rosary daily for many years. You may want to read the MDM message dated 24.5.2013, a very serious message to those who openly deny the word of God. I won't be looking at this blog again so please don't feel the need to reply to me. I am serious about my faith and I am serious about helping saving souls. La salette was a prophecy approved by the church. Garabandal also told us of waywardness within the church. When the illumination takes place all will be clearer. I leave you now. You are sincerely in my prayers.

    1. Actually, only one part of the LaSalette visions was approved by the church. Twenty eight years after the first (church approved) portion of the vision was given, the seer Melanie Calvat supposedly wrote a book that embellished her original writings. These are the ones that speak about a future false pope etc. These have NOT BEEN APPROVED BY THE CHURCH as a matter of fact, this is what Mr. Salbato of Unity Publishing has uncovered in his research of valid Catholic documents, BEGIN QUOTE: "...These two secrets, which neither Melanie or Maximin ever made known to each other, were sent by them in 1851 to Pius IX on the advice of Mgr. de Bruillard. It is unknown what impressions these mysterious revelations made on the pope, for on this point there were two versions diametrically opposed to each other. Maximin's secret is not known, for it was never published. Melanie's was inserted in its entirety in brochure which she herself had printed in 1879 at Lecce, Italy, with the approval of the bishop of that town. A lively controversy followed as to whether the secret published in 1879 was identical with that communicated to Pius IX in 1851, or in its second form it was not merely a work of the imagination. The latter was the opinion of wise and prudent persons, who were persuaded that a distinction must be made between the two Melanie's, between the innocent and simple voyante of 1846 and the visionary of 1879, whose mind had been disturbed by reading apocalyptic books and the lives of illuminati....

      The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IX
      Copyright (c) 1910"

      ****** Thus, Melanie produced "two versions diametrically opposed to each other..." The first, around 1851, from the "simple voyant"; the second 1879, from the "visionary...whose mind had been disturbed..." END QUOTE

      For the full text of this investigation, copy/paste this link into your browser:

      Garabandal has also NOT been approved by the church and is therefore not valid as an argument for MDM.

      I am serious about saving souls too. Those who follow MDM and therefore openly reject the pope are placing their standing in the church in jeopardy according to Canon Law. A person can lose their soul if they are not careful. In this case, through the infinite Mercy and Goodness of Jesus, the only sacrament available to you is the Sacrament of Confession.

    2. Yes, it is a one-sided blog. It is a Catholic blog. And as Sister Lucia said of Fatima said, 'Where Peter is, there is the church … he who is not with the Pope is not with God, and who desires to be with God must be with the Pope.' Then as a Catholic, the owner of this blog defends the Catholic point of view... If mdm attacks the Pope, she attacks the Church. Plain simple

  17. dear--janet,

    i am to respond:

    the church founded is that of believers; you seem to mistake the architecture with the believers, among whom are mixed--wolves with the sheep.

    if a bishop were to preach in a church-building that proved to contain believers who were into ear-tickling doctrines then that bishop would be challenged by the writers of the new testament to wipe the dust off their feet--leave.

    any bishop remaining would not be a true bishop. so what is ear-tickling... ear-tickling is info PEOPLE LIKE TO HEAR...that is NOT THE TRUTH!!! these--the messages--warn of the very same thing.+<3
