We in Missoula
have had challenges with some people seriously attacking our Holy Father
Pope Francis. Some of the language and ideas used in attempting to
undermine his legitimate authority and role as Vicar of Christ connect
with the alleged prophecies of Maria Divine Mercy. I, therefore, perused
and copied messages which Fr. Wang analyzed so he could discern if they
were true or false. That email will be forthcoming.
remember Fr. Wang has been a priest for nearly sixty years now. He has
depth of knowledge, is a well-informed scholar in Sacred Scripture,
dogmatic theology, Mariology, and mystical theology as well as having a
J.U.D., Doctor of both civil and canon law. He is a brilliant, humble,
prayerful, and wise man truly guided by the Holy Spirit in discernment
as he has investigated numerous private revelations, both past and
I also researched additional articles which you can find
on the internet pointing out the gross errors replete in the alleged
messages of Maria Divine Mercy. In addition, I discovered seminars have
been conducted in large cities throughout Australia (in the spring) and
the United States (this summer).
We alert you: this movement
constitutes a very serious and aggressive attack on our Church.
Incredibly, people are being fooled.
Please spread this news far
and wide. Join us in upholding our Faith, our Church and our Holy
Father at this time in salvation history.
God’s Peace and Blessings,
By Rev. John B. Wang, M.A.T., Ph.D., J.U.D.
stands for Maria Divine Mercy, a pseudonym assumed by an alleged Irish
woman, who claims to receive messages from Heaven. However, this writer
believes that MDM is just a front, behind which there are some ghost
writers, who are enemies of the Catholic Church and of Pope Francis.
Very probably the Lefebvre group or some arch-conservatives are behind
this plot. These people are favorable to Pope Benedict XVI who had bent
over backwards to tolerate them. But they have been attacking Pope
Francis, a holy, humble person, legitimately elected to the chair of
Peter, to lead the Church on our journey of salvation.
repeated condemnation by Church authorities around the world (Europe,
Australia, and America), MDM has succeeded in deceiving many souls, and
continues to do so. There are MDM followers in this area too. They are
persistently spreading the virus. To prevent further spiritual damage,
this writer deems it necessary to expose the main errors of MDM, so that
innocent souls and minds can be protected. May the archangels lead us
in this battle!
Here are some discoveries from sporadic reading of the MDM messages:
- April 5, 2013: In this message, MDM claims immunity from being
judged. This is a self-imposed protection. This would mean that one can
freely spread weeds in the fields of wheat without being stopped.
Evidently, MDM has been judged unfavorably by Church authorities. A
cheap shot!
-March 9, 2013: In this message, MDM says that the pope has to stay
in office till he dies, “one pope in one lifetime.” This is wrong,
because Canon 332 §2 provides the possibility for a pope to resign from
his office. This statement alone by MDM clearly shows that the MDM
messages are not from Jesus. Because Jesus is not ignorant; Jesus knows
Canon Law.
In the same message MDM implies that Pope Francis is one of the false
imposters who preside over Jesus’ Throne in Rome. What an audacious and
blasphemous assertion! To call a legitimately elected pope an
imposter?! Jesus would never do such things. How can one take the MDM
messages seriously?
-March 13, 2013. The day Pope Francis was elected and accepted his
election, MDM put an outrageous message in the mouth of our Divine
Savior. It is truly incredible! It is hard and painful to read such
rubbish! Just think, to call the Cardinal electors betrayers, heretics,
accusers of Jesus, and the new pope an impostor. How evil and wicked
these fabricators of MDM can be! Yet, there are souls who believe them
and blindly follow them! What stupidity! May God have mercy on them all!
-April 12, 2013: Two statements:
1. “Benedict XVI is the last true Pope on earth.” This is a ridiculous,
gratuitous, unfounded, unproven, daring assertion, not worthy of
rebuttal. The Church will last till the end of time and the end of time
is not here, therefore, Pope Benedict XVI cannot be the last pope.
2. “The Cardinal electors are wolves in sheep’s clothing.” This would
mean that the highest hierarchy of the Catholic Church, the successors
of the apostles, is comprised of wolves. Readers, are you aware how
heinous and abominable these MDM enemies of the Church are? They are out
to destroy us. But the Catholic Church is founded on solid rock, and
the gates of hell will never prevail.
-July 22, 2-13: Four
preposterous declarations.
1. “Benedict XVI was removed from office.” Totally false. Benedict
himself made it crystal clear that he himself made the decision to
resign after prayerful consideration, for his physical stamina would no
longer allow him to fulfill the tasks required by his Petrine office.
2. “Twenty evil men controlled the church and elected a man not of God.”
Twenty evil men? Who are they? There were over 100 cardinal electors,
and Pope Francis needed two thirds of the votes. I’d like some proof
about the existence of these twenty evil men.
3. “The pope must remain in office till he dies.” Wrong. Please see my
comment on the March 9, 2013 message.
4. “Pope Francis is an imposter.” This is a vile and odious designation
of a holy man.
The above devious and foul statements are put into the mouth of our
most pure Virgin Mother. These individuals who falsified these messages
truly provoke God’s wrath and deserve severe punishment.
I have
just become aware that many articles have been already written and study
has been done by reputable individuals about the falsehood of MDM.
Hence, there is no need for me to continue this exposé. Please consult
the appropriate links about this subject.
Thank you and God bless. Pray for our Church and defend our faith!
It seems that the whole MDM charade is based on an apocalyptic belief
that the world is ending and that the Biblical predictions are being
fulfilled. Over the years, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have had similar
expectations. But these anticipations have been proven mere illusion,
delusion, or hallucination. IF Jesus does come, it would be His
intermediary coming as portrayed in the Book of Revelation Chap. 20, not
His final coming which is hidden to human knowledge.
The Illumination of Conscience, the so-called Mini-Judgment, the
Chastisement, the Purification, the Spiritual Springtime are expected.
But, this is NOT the end of the world, the NOT the end of time. Life on
earth will continue. Furthermore, make sure be loyal to the Holy Father,
the representative of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, you would place yourself
outside of the Church Jesus founded. Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia.
Thank you Fr. Wang. So many priests AND faithful have fallen for this visionary! May God open their eyes to truth. Keep up the good work!
What is a mystery to me (and others ) is she also tries to desperately tie herself to the Garabandal prophecies (the Warning & Miracle ) , yet she REFUSES to undergo Church scrutiny , and REFUSES OBEDIENCE to the Pope,even to the extent of calling him the " False Pope". Well if 2 things were stressed at Garabandal ,it was willingly subjected to countless reviews of church authority, and the Blessed Mother herself told the girls to be OBEDIENT to Church authority EVEN THEIR LOCAL PRIEST, was to be obeyed instead of Mary. I and others see none of these 2 very important factors, so rightfully we question these prophecies, and their UNKNOWN and UNSEEN seer.
ReplyDeleteEvery real seer or prophet is in the first place obedient to the CHURCH, they never are anonymus, they have a Face. They pray, speak and work in the LIGHT from Jesus and His Church. Do we find anything from this all in the messages or in the behaviour from MDM? NO,NOTHING. She works in the darkness. And she has stolen the DEVINE Name from JESUS, given by JESUS to Sister Faustina. Let us pray for her and her followers, which became in 3 years a large cult. It is not only pitty for herself and her followers, but also that she make a shism in the Church That is the goal from her guide the evil spirit.
ReplyDeleteThe choice is clear. Either God is a liar and failed to keep His Word or the spirit animating Marie Dvn Mrcy is a liar. Catholics must decide. Believe the Church which has stood as strong and steady as a rock for 2,000 years or this fly-by-night charlatan who has preached error; created division for the last three.
ReplyDelete“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons . . .” (1 Timothy 4:1)
Marie Dvn Mrcy has announced Pope Francis is the Impostor, the False Prophet and yes, even the “beast, dressed like a lamb”(10.04.2012) scheming to denounce Christ’s teachings; declare a new, false doctrine and create a new one world religion. Given the gravity of the material, the warnings from the bishops have been gentle, but then they know well many have been mesmerized by a snake charmer. No one wants to see lifelong Catholics denied the sacraments. They have failed to understand how they could be in a state of schism. Many say they know their catechism, know scripture and, frankly, it is an insult to their intelligence to be reminded by friends, family, pastors and bishops. How much can they really know if they think the teachings of MDM are compatible with Catholicism?
ReplyDelete“The Church, appointed by God to be mother . . . is always ready and anxious: to raise the fallen; to steady those who stumble.”
“She can never cease from witnessing to the truth of God which heals all and from declaring it, for she knows that these words were directed to her:
“My spirit which is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth from this time forth and for evermore.” [Isaiah 52:21] Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith,Vatican I
“The Romans crucified Me and it was in Rome that My beloved apostle Peter was instructed to form My Church on Earth, for I wished that My Church be formed amongst those who persecuted Me.” MDM, June 15, 2013
ReplyDelete1. Peter never ‘formed’ the Catholic Church. Jesus built His Church on the rock who was Peter. It is a divine institution, not human.
“The Church is born primarily of Christ's total self giving for our salvation, anticipated in the institution of the Eucharist and fulfilled on the cross. "The origin and growth of the Church are symbolized by the blood and water which flowed from the open side of the crucified Jesus." "For it was from the side of Christ as He slept the sleep of death upon the cross that there came forth the 'wondrous sacrament of the whole Church.'"As Eve was formed from the sleeping Adam's side, so the Church was born from the pierced heart of Christ hanging dead on the cross.” Catechism 766
“The Romans crucified Me and IT WAS IN ROME THAT MY BELOVED APOSTLE PETER WAS INSTRUCTED TO FORM MY CHURCH on Earth, for I wished that My Church be formed amongst those who persecuted Me.” MDM, June 15, 2013
ReplyDelete2. It was not in Rome that Peter was chosen but in Caesarea Philippi (Mt.16:13) which was situated about twenty miles north of the Sea of Galilee.
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18
Note, who does the building.
Pocketsketch, you seem very knowledgeable on scripture and church teaching. Are you a priest?
DeleteHas anyone tried to find the IP address for MDM?
ReplyDeleteis that possible to find out?
Delete“The Romans crucified Me and it was in Rome that My beloved apostle Peter was instructed TO FORM MY CHURCH on Earth, for I wished that My Church be formed amongst those who persecuted Me.” MDM, June 15, 2013
ReplyDelete1. Peter never ‘formed’ the Catholic Church.
a. Jesus built the foundation of His Church on the rock who was Peter.
b. It is a divine institution, not a man made one.
“Simon Peter holds the first place in the college of the Twelve; Jesus entrusted a unique mission to him. Through a revelation from the Father, Peter had confessed: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Our Lord then declared to him: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it." Christ, the "living stone," thus assures his Church, built on Peter, of victory over the powers of death. Because of the faith he confessed Peter will remain the unshakeable rock of the Church. His mission will be to keep this faith from every lapse and to strengthen his brothers in it.” catechism #552
“The Church is born primarily of Christ's total self giving for our salvation, anticipated in the institution of the Eucharist and fulfilled on the cross. "The origin and growth of the Church are symbolized by the blood and water which flowed from the open side of the crucified Jesus." "For it was from the side of Christ as he slept the sleep of death upon the cross that there came forth the 'wondrous sacrament of the whole Church.'"As Eve was formed from the sleeping Adam's side, so the Church was born from the pierced heart of Christ hanging dead on the cross.” Catechism 766
“The Romans crucified Me and it was in Rome that My beloved apostle Peter was instructed to form My Church on Earth, for I WISHED THAT MY CHURCH BE FORMED AMONGST THOSE WHO PERSECUTED ME.” MDM, June 15, 2013
ReplyDelete3. MDM is playing a childish blame game. The Romans were not solely responsible for His death. It was all the sins of mankind that nailed Our Saviour to the Cross; therefore, sinners from every race, in each generation and of every era.
Herod had made an attempt on Peter’s life in Jerusalem and after his miraculous escape from jail he left the city to preach widely. Eventually, he went to Rome where he was martyred. It was all part of the great commission the Apostles had been assigned by Jesus before His Ascension; they were to spread the Good News to the four corners of the world. Yes, this material is well known to all Catholics but these wild versions MDM are still welcomed as Gospel truth. Trumpery and falderal.
“My dearly beloved daughter, before I was crucified, many hateful lies were created about Me by My enemies. There were gatherings held by the Pharisees, many times, to decide what to do about Me . . . HOW THEY SCREAMED and TORMENTED THOSE DISCIPLES of MINE, WHO WERE CAUGHT by THEM.”
ReplyDelete“The Pharisees scourged and murdered many before THEY finally CRUCIFIED Me.” Jesus of MDM, Aug.26, 2013
The Hebrews put people to death by stoning, not crucifixion. This form of execution came to Palestine with the Romans. Hence, they had Pontius Pilate issue the command for the crucifixion. As far as the Pharisees murdering the disciples of Jesus, there is no Scriptural support for that before the death and resurrection of Our Lord. To the contrary, in chapter 17 of John, Jesus prays to His Father, “When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave me, and I guarded them and none was lost except the son of destruction.”
Why does this supposed seer insist on writing her own gospel, contrary to the one we have already received? Moreover, how is it so many Catholics who recite their daily rosary and have spent their lives meditating on the sorrowful mysteries do not recognize these obvious errors for themselves?
“Let no one seduce you.” Pope Benedict
At the Second Coming, Jesus will descend on the clouds with the sound of angels blowing trumpets. That is scripture we are familiar with. What follows is the most extraordinary flight of fancy: “Then, you, my child, as the seventh angel will declare that My Son has come.” “Mother of Salvation” to Marie Dvn Mrcy, Aug.28, 2013.
ReplyDeleteThis “seer” has once again declared herself the seventh angel from the book of Revelation! Moreover, she attributed this fallacy to the Mother of God. It should be obvious that Mary, Queen of the Angels, knows the difference between a human person and an angel. A spirit guides MDM, all right, but it is a fallen spirit of deceit, delusion and derision. Yes, derision, for this “seer” is having a lot of fun making fools of Catholics who really should know the difference.
Where does Marie Dvn Mrcy glean such material? I offer this verse of scripture as a mere conjecture.
Delete“For the Lord Himself, with a word of command, WITH THE VOICE OF AN ARCHANGEL and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16
Where does Marie Dvn Mrcy glean such material? I offer this verse of scripture as a mere conjecture.
Delete“For the Lord Himself, with a word of command, WITH THE VOICE OF AN ARCHANGEL and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16
“You will live with your entire family, those who have died in a state of grace, and those who will form My remnant army on earth.” MDM, Oct.12, 2012
ReplyDeleteNow read it again, more carefully.
“You will live . . .on earth.” 12-10-2012.
Comment: MDM promises eternal life on earth; whereas, Jesus promised eternal life in heaven with Him. We will see Him face to face. Do you still want to be part of her religion?
There has not been any updates on this website for a while now. Is everything OK?
ReplyDelete“My Divine Powers are given to all of My children who turn to Me, asking Me – through My Son – to sustain them during these times of great trials on Earth.” Oct.9, 2013, [God the Father] to MDM
ReplyDeleteMarie DM’s “doctrines” are muddled and false. They are the false teachings Saints Paul and Peter warned us about. She confounds God’s power with grace. The children of God participate in His life through grace (CCC #1997). “Grace is favor, the free and undeserved HELP THAT GOD GIVES . . .to become children of God . . .” (CCC #1996) It is nonsense to claim that people can bypass the Church to go directly to Jesus and acquire “Divine Powers.” It is only to His messengers, the Apostles and their legitimate successors, that Jesus “invested” His “sacred power” before He ascended into heaven. One will only "be sustained through great trials" if one remains faithful to the one, true Church.
“In order to shepherd the People of God and to increase its numbers without cease, Christ the Lord set up in his Church a variety of offices which aim at the good of the whole body. THE HOLDERS OF OFFICE, WHO ARE INVESTED WITH A SACRED POWER are, in fact, dedicated to promoting the interests of their brethren, so that all who belong to the People of God . . . may attain to salvation.” (Constitution of the Catholic Church, Lumen Gentium, paragraph18)